Fischer Measurement Technologies India Private Limited
Pune, Maharashtra
About Us
Fischer Measurement Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. had started its business activities in the year 1953 as a specialist in solutions for coating thickness measurement, coating thickness – DFT, coating thickness – EDXRF, material analysis, microhardness and material testing. The products offered by us are designed as per the latest technology and known for their hassle free performance. Moreover, with an experience of more than 60 years in offering high precision measuring instruments for various applications. We Fischer Measurement Technologies is now considered as a leading enterprise.
Counting on its experience, our company is able to offer most favorable products and solutions for projects. Today, our company has business presence all across the world and manages around 18 Fischer subsidiaries including India. We have 32 sales offices in all major industrialized countries.
Fischer Measurement Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. have 100% subsidiary of Helmut Fischer Holding AG, Switzerland and we are an ISO 9001 certified company.
Our company established itself into the Indian market in April 2006 with corporate headquarters in Pune. In the market, today we serve various industries like automotive, auto-components, electroplating, powder coating, jewellery, hallmarking, electronics, electrical, galvanizing, research & development and other allied industries. The company works towards providing its patrons with leading-edge business products and solutions that augment quality, productivity, perfect finishing, reliability and durability of their end- products.
The widespread line of products Fischer offers is man-made, employing advanced techniques like X-ray fluorescence, eddy current, electrical resistance, beta backscatter, magnetic, magnetic induction and coulometric methods. Our organization also nurtures a seasoned team of sales, quality auditor, service & application engineers who work with full dedication and in a collaborative approach to offer optimum solution and support to customers in line with their exact requirements.
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Fischer Measurement Technologies India Private Limited
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Our Products
Fischer Gold Testing Machines
Coating Thickness Dft
Coating Thickness Edxrf
X Ray Fluorescence Measuring System
Handheld Gauges
Corrosion Kit
Material Analysis
Material Testing
Coating Thickness Coulometric Method
Micro Hardness Testing Hm 2000 S
Digital conductivity meter
Digital Coating Thickness Gauge
Pocket Gauges
Coating Thickness Gauge For Electroless Coatings
Coating Thickness Gauge For Electroplating
Wafer Coating Thickness Instrument Xuv 773
Micro Hardness Testing Picodentor Hm 500 Light
Coating Thickness Beta Backscattering Betascope
Goldscope SD
XRF RoHS Analysis
Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge
Coating Thickness Gauge For Electroles Coatings
Micro Hardness
Coating Thickness Measurement Gauge
X Ray Fluorescence Measuring Instrument
Gold Testing Machine Xan 220
Gold Testing Machine Xan 250
X Ray Fluorescence Tester
Gold Testing Machine Xdv Sdd
Gold Testing Machine Xan 215
Coating Thickness Electroplating Electroless
X Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
Gold Testing Machine Goldscope Sd 600 Dpp
Solar Thin Film Coating Measurement Xan 5000
Gold Testing Machine Xdal 237
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